
Friday, April 22, 2016

MathPapa for GAFE

MathPapa is a step-by-step calculator to help you learn concepts in algebra interactively. It can be used either as a teaching aid or to help students practice concepts on their own. I love this app!!!!

Friday, April 15, 2016

You And Your Students Can Make An E-book

Click the link below to view a great how-to on how you and/or your students can make a great looking e-book using PowerPoint or Google Slides!

Friday, April 8, 2016

Check Out This Google Chrome Video Tutorial

This is great introduction to using Google Chrome, a wonderful way to become familiar with the Google  Chrome browser. Geared for beginners. Includes: Signing in/out, using multiple google accounts, browser components, introduction to keyboard shortcuts, home & startup page settings.

Friday, April 1, 2016

There is some great information on the Three Village District website.  In the pull down menu Department and Programs - Instructional Technology - Teachers and Staff 2015-2016 you can find information on: iCampus directions, Microsoft tutorials, Citrix home access instructions and how to link your iPad to the Citrix system. You should check it out! Use the following shortcut link to get you there quickly and easily!