
Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Three Cool Chrome Extensions!

I was checking out another blog called edtechteacher and thought you might be interested in three Google Chrome Extensions they mentioned!  



Screencastify is a Chrome extension that allows students and teachers to create screencasts directly in the Chrome browser.  A screencast is a recording of the user’s screen with the user narrating the actions they are completing on the screen.  

EquatIO is a new tool from Texthelp that provides teachers and students new and better ways to integrate math and science into their Google environments. EquatIO gives students and teachers an ability to make mathtype  digital, so students are able to better make their math reasoning visible using Google Chrome.

Share to Classroom is an extremely helpful tool for teachers using Google Classroom with their students. The extension connects with the teacher and students’ classes in Google Classroom. From a teacher perspective, the Share to Classroom extension allows teachers to share information from websites directly to their classes in Google Classroom. For example, when a teacher comes across a webpage that they want to add as an assignment, question, or announcement, teachers can use the extension to share these resources directly to a class.

These reviews and video links were taken from the edtechteacher blog.  The link to their blog is:

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Scanning At The Tips of Your Fingers With CamScanner

Donna Alaimo just tipped me off to CamScanner - a free PDF Creator that lets you convert any printed document to a PDF file.

The only thing you have to do is take a photo of the document in question, using the photo tool that is part of CamScanner - PDF Creator. Of course, the photo needs to be somewhat centered and well-lit. The app will then process the photo in question, and in a matter of seconds it will have converted it to a PDF document. 

Once you have the PDF document saved to your device's memory, you can work with it just like you would with any other file of this type. In addition, before saving the document, you can apply different filters to it to see if it looks better; depending on the quality of light in the photo, you might be able to obtain better results with a filter.  You can Find the app on the Google or Apple Store.  For more information about how to use the app follow the following link.